Effective Date: January 1, 2023

  1. How does SignDemand.com work?
    SignDemand.com is a marketplace connecting users with vendors offering design, print, sign, and installation services. Users can browse through various services, place orders, and interact with vendors to fulfill their requirements.
  2. How do I create an account?
    To create an account, click on the “Sign Up” button on the top right corner of the homepage. Fill in the required information, and you’ll receive a verification email. Follow the instructions to activate your account.
  3. What payment methods are accepted?
    We accept major credit cards and PayPal for secure and convenient transactions. All payments are processed through trusted and encrypted payment gateways.
  4. Is there a minimum order value for free shipping?
    Yes, we offer free shipping worldwide for orders over $40. Some larger products, like storefront lightboxes or channel letters, may have additional shipping charges, which will be communicated before finalizing your order.
  5. How can I track my order?
    Once your order is processed and shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email. You can use this number to track the status and estimated delivery date of your order.
  6. Can I cancel or modify my order?
    Cancellations or modifications can be made within 24 hours of placing the order. Contact our customer support at (416) 858-3500 or email info@signdemand.com for assistance.
  7. What if I’m not satisfied with my purchase?
    We strive for customer satisfaction. If you are not happy with your purchase, please contact our customer support within 7 days of receiving the order. We will initiate a return or refund based on the situation.
  8. Are the vendors on SignDemand.com verified?
    We conduct a thorough verification process before allowing vendors on our platform. However, we recommend reviewing vendor profiles, ratings, and customer reviews to make an informed decision.
  9. How can I become a vendor on SignDemand.com?
    If you offer design, print, sign, or installation services and wish to join our platform, visit our “Become a Vendor” page and follow the instructions to apply. Our team will review your application and contact you with further details.
  10. How can I contact customer support?
    You can reach our customer support team via email at info@signdemand.com or call (416) 858-3500 during our business hours. Our office address is 100 King Street West, Toronto, ON M5X 1A9.
  11. Is my personal information secure?
    We take data security seriously. Your personal information is protected using industry-standard security measures. For more details, please review our Privacy Policy.
  12. Can I submit my own designs or artwork?
    Yes, we welcome custom designs and artwork submissions. You can upload your files during the order placement process, and our vendors will work with you to bring your vision to life.

For any other inquiries or assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly support team. We are here to ensure your SignDemand.com experience is smooth and enjoyable!